Explore a comprehensive list of essential medical abbreviations commonly used in the Occupational English Test (OET). Improve your language proficiency and communication skills within the healthcare context by familiarizing yourself with these crucial medical abbreviations, contributing to your success in the OET.

1/12 = 1 month

1/52 = 1 week

1/365 = 1 day

1/7 = 1 weekday

1/24 = 1 hour

1/60 = 1 minute (1/60 of an hour)

1/60 = 1 second (1/60 of a minute)

2/12 = 2 months

2/52 = 2 weeks

5/12 = 5 months

5/7 = 5 weekdays (or 1 week and 2 weekdays)

5/24 = 5 hours

5/60 = 5 minutes (5/60 of an hour)

5/60 = 5 seconds (5/60 of a minute)


A&V = alive & well


AAL = anterior axillary line


Abd = abdomen


ACEI = Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors


ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


ADL = Activities of Daily living


AFP = alpha-fetoprotein


AF = Atrial Fibrillation


AKI = Acute Kidney Injury


AN = antenatal


AIDS = Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome


AP = antero-posterior


APH = antepartum hemorrhage


ARA = Arteriosus Rheumatoid Arthritis


ARDS = Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome


ASD = Atrial Septal Defect/ Autism Spectrum Disorder


BIBA = Brought in by Ambulance


BLS = Basic Life support


BPH = Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


BP = blood pressure


BSE = Breast Self-Examination


CABG = coronary artery bypass graft


CAD = Coronary Artery Disease


CA / Ca = cancer; carcinoma; calcium


CAT = coaxial or computerized axial tomography


CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy


CCF = congestive cardiac failure


CHF = Congestive Heart Failure


CNS = central nervous system


COAD = chronic obstructive airway disease


COPD = Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


CRF = Chronic Renal Failure


CRP Test = C- Reactive Protein Test


CPR = Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation


CPCR = Cardio Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation


CV = cardiovascular


CVA = Cerebro Vascular Accident


CVS = cardiovascular system; cerebrovascular system


CVP = Central Venous Pressure


CVD = Cardiovascular Disease


CXR = chest X-ray


DIC = Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation


DM = Diabetes Mellitus


DN = District Nurse


DJD = degenerative joint disease


DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis


ECG = Electro cardiogram


ECMO = Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation


EDH = Epidural Hematoma


EDL = Activities of Daily living


ELISA = Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent assay


EMT = Emergency Medical Technician


ERLP = Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography


ESRD = End-Stage Renal Disease


FBAO = Foreign Body Airway Obstruction


FB = foreign body


FBE = Full Blood Examination


FHR = Fetal Heart Rate


GBS = Guillain Barre’ Syndrome


GERD = Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease


HCP = Health Care Provider


HEENT = head/ears/eyes/nose/throat


HF = Heart Failure


HIE = Hypoxic Ischemia Encephalopathy


HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus


HPV = human papilloma virus


HR = heart rate


HS = heart sounds


HTN = Hypertension


IBD = Inflammatory Bowel Disease


IBS = Irritable Bowel Syndrome


ICD = Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator


ICF = intracellular fluid


ICS = intercostal space


ICU = intensive care unit


INR = International Normalized Ratio


ITP = Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura


IVF = in vitro fertilization


L = Left


Lab = laboratory


Lat = lateral


LLQ = left lower quadrant


LUQ = left upper quadrant


Ml = milliliter


MDI = Metered Dose Inhaler


MDR = Multi-Drug Resistant


MND = Motor Neurone Disease


MMR = Mumps Measels Rubella


MO = Medical Officer


MOH = Medical Officer of Health


MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging


MS = Multiple Sclerosis


MSK = musculoskeletal


N&V = nausea & vomiting


Na = sodium


NMS = Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome


NTD = Neural tube Defect


NS = nervous system


Obs. = obstetrics


OPD = outpatient department


OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


OT = operating theatre


P = pulmonary


P&A = percussion & auscultation


PD = Patent Ductus


PE = physical exam


PI = present illness


PIH = Pregnancy Induced Hypertension


PN = Parenteral Nutrition


PT = Prothrombin Time


QOL = Quality of Life


R = Right


RBS = random blood sugar


RCA = right coronary artery


re = Regarding


RN = registered nurse


ROM = range of motion


RSV = Respiratory Syncytial Virus


RTI = Respiratory Tract Infection


Rx = treatment


SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome


SDH = Subdural Hematoma


SAH = Subarachnoid hematoma


SLE = Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


SOB = show of breath


STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease


TAVR = Trans catheter Aortic Valve Replacement


TB = Tuberculosis


TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury


TEF = Tracheoesophageal Fistula


TSH = Thyroid Stimulating Hormone


URI = Upper Respiratory Infection


URTI = upper respiratory tract infection


UTI = Urinary Tract Infection


VSD = Ventricular Septal Defect


WNL = within normal limits


XDR TB = Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis


XR = X-ray

This list aims to improve your language skills and enhance communication in healthcare settings, helping you succeed in the OET examination.

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