8 Key OET Reading Part C Question Types

8 Key OET Reading Part C Question Types

The OET reading part C questions test your ability to understand the inferences, opinions, attitudes, and purpose of the writer and other people quoted in the texts, as well as the complex language used in the texts. You may have to “read between the lines” to find the implied meaning of some statements.

Here is the catch

You are tested for:

– Understand inferences, opinions, attitudes, and the writer’s purpose

– Analyze complex language used in texts

– Interpret implied meanings by “reading between the lines”

8 Common Question Types in OET Reading Part C:

1. Direct Questions: These ask about specific points or opinions mentioned in the text.

Example: “What point is made about rehabilitation programs in the first paragraph?”

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2. Sentence Completion Questions: These ask you to understand the purpose of including certain information or quotes.

Example: “By quoting Dr Mihira in the third paragraph, the writer shows that the doctor…”

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3. Reference Questions: These test your ability to identify what pronouns or other reference words refer to.

Example: “What does the word ‘those’ refer to in the fourth paragraph?”

Example: “The phrase ‘they’ in the passage likely refers to…?”

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4. Main Idea and Purpose: These questions ask about the central point of a paragraph or the author’s aim in mentioning specific information.

Example: “What is the main point of the first paragraph?”

Example: “What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Dr. Smith’s research?”

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5. Opinions and Attitudes: These ask you to identify the writer’s or others’ viewpoints on a topic.

Example: “What is the writer’s attitude towards the effectiveness of telemedicine?”

Example: “According to the passage, what are the potential benefits of early intervention for children with autism, as described by Dr. Jones?”

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6. Vocabulary in Context: These test your understanding of words or phrases used within the specific context of the text.

Example: “What is the meaning of the term ‘holistic approach’ as used in the second paragraph?”

Example: “The word ‘advocates’ in the third paragraph most closely means…?”

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7. Cause-and-effect: These ask you to understand the relationships between events or ideas presented in the text.

Example: “What does the author suggest is the main reason for the increasing use of online therapy?”

Example: “How does the passage explain the link between diet and chronic diseases?”

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8. Inferring Meaning: These challenge you to draw conclusions based on the information provided, even if not explicitly stated.

Example: “Based on the information provided, what can be inferred about the future of robotic surgery?”

Example: “The passage suggests that further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of this new treatment. Why?”

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Additional Tips:

  • Read carefully and pay close attention to details.
  • Use critical thinking skills to analyze information and answer questions.
  • Base your answers solely on the information presented in the text, avoiding assumptions or irrelevant details.

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