How to Answer OET Reading Part C?

How to Answer OET Reading Part C?


How to Tackle Direct Questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Focus on keywords:
    Read the question carefully. Identify the specific point or opinion it asks about.
  2. Scan the relevant section:
    Quickly scan the paragraph or section mentioned in the question (e.g., “first paragraph”).
  3. Look for a match:
    Find a sentence that directly addresses the key point or opinion being asked about.
  4. Choose the answer choice:
    That best reflects the information found in the text. Don’t be fooled by paraphrased wording – focus on the core idea.
  5. Note: The answer will likely paraphrase the information in the text, not use the exact wording.

Remember: Don’t overthink it. Direct questions usually have a clear answer explicitly stated in the text.

How to Tackle Sentence Completion Questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Read the incomplete sentence carefully.
    Understand what kind of information is missing (opinion, purpose, result, etc.).
  2. Locate the quote or information mentioned in the question.
    Find the specific paragraph or section where the quote or detail is presented.
  3. Analyze the context surrounding the quote.
    Read the sentences before and after the quote. Look for clues about the author’s intention for including it.
  4. Understand the Author’s Intent:
    Ask yourself, “Why did the author include this quote/information?” What point are they trying to make by using it?
  5. Choose the answer that best reflects the author’s purpose.
    Select the answer option that explains why the author included the quote or information, considering the context. It might explain the doctor’s viewpoint, support an argument, or provide evidence.

Remember: Don’t focus solely on the wording of the quote itself. The answer lies in understanding the author’s motive for including it. Look for clues in the context surrounding the quote to understand the author’s intention.

Tip: Look for words that indicate purpose, such as “to suggest,” “to argue,” or “to highlight.” These can guide you toward the author’s intention.

How to tackle Reference Questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Identify the reference word:
    Pinpoint the pronoun (like “it,” “they,” “this”) or other reference word (like a noun phrase) causing confusion.
  2. Locate the reference word’s position:
    Look at the sentence where the reference word appears.
  3. Scan for logical antecedents:
    Look back in the preceding text for a noun or noun phrase that the reference word could be referring to. This antecedent should be grammatically correct (singular/plural match) and make logical sense in the context.
  4. Consider context and meaning:
    The antecedent should fit the meaning of the sentence and the surrounding paragraph.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Proximity matters:
    The antecedent is usually closer to the reference word than other potentially confusing nouns.
  • Grammar check:
    Ensure the reference word (pronoun) and its antecedent (noun) have matching singular/plural forms.
  • Consider the flow of ideas:
    The antecedent should be relevant to the topic being discussed in that part of the text.

Remember: Don’t get sidetracked by distant nouns that might seem like possibilities but don’t logically connect to the reference word within the context of the sentence and paragraph.


  • Look for pronouns that replace previously mentioned nouns to avoid confusion.
  • If the reference word is “it,” the antecedent could be a concept, idea, or specific thing previously discussed.
  • Sometimes, the antecedent might be implied rather than explicitly stated. Use your understanding of the context to infer the missing information.

By following these steps and paying close attention to the surrounding text, you can effectively identify what reference words are referring to in OET Reading Part C.


Question: “What does ‘they’ refer to in the fourth paragraph?”

Sentence: “Although the new medication showed promising results in initial trials, they require further testing before widespread use.”

Solution: In the previous sentence, “new medication” is a plural noun. Since “they” is also plural and refers back to something previously mentioned, “they” most likely refers to “new medication”.

How to approach the Main Idea and Purpose questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Identify the relevant section:
    First, determine if the question asks about the main idea of a whole paragraph or a specific section of the text.
  2. Scan for key points:
    Read through the paragraph (or section) and identify the key points or arguments being presented.
  3. Identify the unifying theme:
    Look for the overall message or central point that connects these key points. It could be a main argument, a key finding, or a specific perspective on the topic.
  4. Match the answer choice:
    Select the answer option that best reflects the central point you identified.


  1. Identify the information:
    Locate the specific piece of information or quote mentioned in the question (e.g., Dr. Mihiraa’s research).
  2. Analyze the context:
    Read carefully around the information. What is the author discussing before and after mentioning it?
  3. Consider the author’s goal:
    Why did the author include this specific detail? What is their intention in mentioning Dr. Mihiraa’s research? What does it contribute to the overall discussion?
  4. Choose the answer that reflects intent:
    Select the answer choice that best explains the author’s purpose for mentioning the specific detail.


  • Look for topic sentences:
    These sentences often introduce the main idea of a paragraph. Paragraphs often have a topic sentence that introduces the main idea. This might not always be the first sentence, but it can be a good starting point.
  • Pay attention to transition words:
    Words like “however,” “therefore,” or “furthermore” can connect ideas and help you understand the overall flow.
  • Consider the author’s perspective:
    The main idea or purpose might be related to the author’s overall argument or message in the text.
  • Think about the broader context:
    Consider how the paragraph or information contributes to the overall theme of the passage.

Remember, the main idea should encompass the most important information in the paragraph, while the purpose focuses on the author’s reason for including specific details.

The answer choices won’t be the main idea verbatim, but a paraphrase that captures the essence of the paragraph.

Here’s how to tackle Opinions and Attitudes questions in OET Reading Part C:

Identifying the Writer’s Opinion:

  1. Look for opinion-signaling words:
    Scan the text for words that indicate an opinion, such as “believe,” “think,” “argue,” “suggest,” “criticize.” “emphasis” or “advocate.”
  2. Identify the source:
    Pinpoint who is expressing the opinion – the author themself, a quoted expert, or someone mentioned in the text.
  3. Analyze the surrounding context:
    Read the sentence containing the opinion signal and the surrounding sentences. What point is the author trying to make?
  4. Consider the overall argument:
    Sometimes, the writer’s opinion might be implied throughout the text rather than explicitly stated. Think about the main idea and the supporting arguments presented.

Identifying Others’ Opinions:

  1. Identify the source:
    See if the opinion comes from a person quoted in the text (e.g., Dr. Mihiraa).
  2. Analyze the quoted material:
    Read the quote or paraphrase carefully. What is the person’s viewpoint on the topic?
  3. Consider the purpose of including the quote:
    Why did the author include this person’s opinion? Does it support or contradict the author’s own view?
  4. Understand the viewpoint:
    Analyze the opinion itself. What is the person’s stance on the topic? Do they support, oppose, or offer a nuanced perspective?

Purpose of Opinions:

  • Context matters:
    Locate the paragraph or section where the opinion is expressed.
  • Analyze the surrounding text:
    Read carefully before and after the opinion. Why did the author include this specific viewpoint?
  • Consider the author’s goal:
    What is the purpose of including this opinion? Does it strengthen the author’s argument, provide a counterpoint, or offer additional information?


  • Don’t confuse facts with opinions:
    Facts are objective statements, while opinions are subjective judgments.
  • Watch for hedging words:
    Words like “probably,” “likely,” or “possibly” can indicate a less certain opinion.
  • Pay attention to emotional language:
    Words that convey emotions like “positive,” “worrying,” “unnecessary” “important,” “essential,” or “dangerous” can reveal the author’s or another person’s attitude.
  • Look for contrasting viewpoints:
    The text might present different opinions on a topic. Understand the author’s perspective in relation to others mentioned.
  • Consider the overall message:
    How does this opinion fit into the author’s overall perspective on the topic?

Remember, the key is to identify the sentiment or judgment expressed, not just factual information.

How to tackle Vocabulary in Context questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Identify the target word:
    Pinpoint the specific word or phrase you need to understand in the question.
  2. Locate the usage in the text:
    Find the sentence or paragraph where the target word appears.
  3. Analyze the surrounding context:
    Read carefully before and after the word’s usage. What is being discussed? What other words or ideas are mentioned around it?
  4. Look for clues:
    Pay attention to synonyms, antonyms, or definitions that might be provided in the same sentence or paragraph.
  5. Eliminate unlikely options:
    If answer choices are provided, discard options that clearly don’t fit the context of the sentence.
  6. Consider the overall meaning:
    Think about how the target word fits into the flow of the text. What meaning makes the most sense in that specific context?


  • Don’t rely solely on dictionary definitions:
    The meaning of a word can shift depending on the context.
  • Consider word parts:
    If the word is unfamiliar, break it down into prefixes, suffixes, or root words you might recognize.
  • Pay attention to grammar:
    The answer choice should be grammatically correct in the context of the sentence (e.g., noun vs. verb).
  • Look for synonyms:
    Sometimes the answer choice might be a synonym (similar meaning) of the target word.
  • Look for definitions:
    Occasionally, the author might define a complex term within the text itself.
  • Eliminate obviously incorrect options:
    If some answer choices clearly don’t fit the context, rule them out to narrow down your selection.

Remember: The key is to understand the meaning of the word within the specific sentence and paragraph where it’s used. By analyzing the context and using clues provided in the text, you can choose the answer that best captures the intended meaning.

Don’t get hung up on memorizing every single word. Use the context of the passage and any clues provided to infer the meaning of the word in that specific situation.


Here’s how to approach Cause-and-Effect questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Identify the cause or effect:
    First, determine if the question asks about the cause (what led to something) or the effect (the result of something). The question might ask about the cause (“What does the author suggest is the main reason…?”), or the effect (“How does the passage explain…?”).
  2. Analyze the Context:
    Read carefully around the identified cause or effect in the text.

    1. For Cause: Pay attention to what happened before the effect. What event or situation is presented as leading to the outcome?
    2. For Effect: Analyze what follows the cause. What outcome or consequence is described as resulting from the cause?
  3. Scan for relevant information:
    Look for the part of the text that discusses the relationship between events or ideas.
  4. Identify causal language:
    Words and phrases like “because,” “as a result,” “due to,” “consequently,” “leads to,” or “hence” often indicate cause-and-effect relationships.
  5. Analyze the connection:
    Understand how the events or ideas are linked. What factor is causing the effect, or what outcome is resulting from the cause?
  6. Understand the sequence:
    Pay attention to the chronological order of events presented in the text.
  7. Choose the best answer:
    Select the answer option that accurately reflects the cause-and-effect relationship presented in the text.


  • Look for cause-and-effect markers:
    Not all questions will explicitly use clear cause-and-effect language. Be alert for implied relationships through context clues.
  • Pay attention to transitions:
    Transition words can help you understand the flow of ideas and identify how one event leads to another.
  • Consider the chronology:
    Sometimes, the order of events in the text itself can help you understand the cause-and-effect relationship. The cause typically precedes the effect.
  • Look for supporting evidence:
    The author might provide evidence or specific details to explain the cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Check for logical connections:
    Ensure the cause you identify makes logical sense as leading to the given effect.

Remember: Understanding the cause-and-effect relationships helps you grasp the flow of ideas and arguments presented in the text. Use these steps and tips to effectively answer these questions.

How to approach Inferring Meaning questions in OET Reading Part C:
  1. Read carefully and actively engage:
    Don’t just skim the text. Look for clues and hints beyond the surface level.
  2. Identify the information provided:
    Pinpoint the facts, details, and statements explicitly mentioned in the text. This is your foundation for making inferences.
  3. Consider the context:
    Analyze the surrounding information and the overall topic being discussed. Think about the author’s overall message or argument. What are they trying to convey?
  4. Draw logical conclusions:
    Based on the clues and context, use your reasoning skills to reach a conclusion that is consistent with the information presented. Don’t jump to assumptions not supported by the text.
  5. Match the answer choice:
    Select the answer option that best reflects the most logical conclusion you can draw from the information presented in the text.


  • Look for “between the lines” clues:
    The author might suggest something indirectly through word choice, tone, or the overall flow of ideas.
  • Consider the author’s purpose:
    What is the main point the author is trying to convey? Inferring meaning can help you understand the author’s underlying message.
  • Ask yourself questions:
    As you read, consider questions like “What does this suggest?” or “What might be the implication of this?”
  • Consider unsaid information:
    Sometimes, what’s not explicitly stated can be just as important as what is. Think about any gaps or missing details that might be hinted at.
  • Consider the future or potential outcomes:
    Based on the information presented, what might happen in the future or what are the potential consequences?
  • Use your background knowledge:
    Sometimes, your existing knowledge about the topic can be helpful in drawing logical inferences.
  • Don’t misread or overthink:
    While inferring involves going beyond the surface level, avoid making assumptions that aren’t supported by the text. Inferences should be based on the text’s information, not your own personal opinions or beliefs.
  • Be cautious of assumptions:
    Don’t jump to conclusions not supported by the text. Stick to inferences based on the information provided.

Remember: Inferring meaning requires going beyond the surface level of the text and using your critical thinking skills to understand the underlying message or implications.

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