How to Avoid Spelling Mistakes in OET Listening Part A

How to Avoid Spelling Mistakes in OET Listening Part A - Mihiraa

OET Listening Part A: Improve Your Score with Perfect Spelling

In the OET Listening Part A, spelling mistakes can significantly impact the scores of OET candidates. Even minor errors can dramatically affect your overall performance. This section demands meticulous attention to detail as you extract specific information from medical texts. A single misspelling can invalidate your answer, leading to a loss of valuable marks. Therefore, mastering medical terminology and developing strong spelling skills are crucial for success in this challenging component of the OET.

Mastering English Spelling for the OET Listening Test: Proven Techniques and Guessing Strategies

The OET Listening sub-test requires not just comprehension but also accurate spelling of medical terms, medications, and other words within a healthcare context. Even if you understand the audio, incorrect spelling can lead to lost marks. This article outlines proven techniques to improve your English spelling and provides valuable tips for guessing spellings when encountering unfamiliar words.

Proven Techniques for Improving Spelling:

Improving spelling isn’t about rote memorization alone; it’s about understanding patterns and employing effective learning strategies:

  • Phonetic Awareness: Understanding the relationship between sounds and letters is crucial. Pay attention to how words are pronounced and how those sounds are represented in writing. This is especially important for differentiating similar-sounding words (e.g., “affect” and “effect,” “stationary” and “stationery”).
  • Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes: Breaking down words into their component parts can significantly aid spelling. For example, understanding the prefix “hyper-” (meaning “over” or “excessive”) can help you spell words like “hypertension” and “hyperglycemia.” Similarly, understanding the suffix “-itis” (meaning “inflammation”) helps with words like “bronchitis” and “arthritis.”
  • Visual Memory: Try visualizing words in your mind. Write them down repeatedly, focusing on the shape and sequence of the letters. Use different colors or highlighting to emphasize challenging parts.
  • Mnemonics: Create memory aids using acronyms, rhymes, or visual associations. For example, to remember the spelling of “because,” you could use the mnemonic “Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants.”
  • Regular Practice: Consistent practice is key. Use online spelling quizzes, and flashcards, or create your own practice tests using OET listening practice materials.
  • Focus on Common Medical Terminology: Create a dedicated list of common medical terms, medications (both generic and brand names), and anatomical terms. Practice spelling these words regularly.
  • Identify Your Weak Areas: Analyze your past mistakes to identify recurring spelling errors. Are you struggling with vowel combinations, double consonants, or silent letters? Focus your practice on these specific areas.
  • Use Dictation Exercises: Have someone dictate medical passages or lists of words to you. This combines listening and spelling practice, closely simulating the OET Listening test environment.
  • Read Regularly: Reading medical journals, articles, and textbooks exposes you to correct spelling in context and improves your overall vocabulary.
Tips for Guessing Spellings in the OET Listening Test:

Even with extensive preparation, you might encounter unfamiliar words. Here are some strategies to help you make educated guesses:

  • Listen Carefully to the Pronunciation: Pay close attention to the sounds you hear. This can give you clues about the spelling, especially vowel and consonant sounds.
  • Consider the Context: The surrounding words and the overall topic of the audio can provide valuable clues. If the audio discusses cardiology, you’re more likely to hear words like “electrocardiogram” or “arrhythmia” than words related to dermatology.
  • Think About Word Families: If you recognize a root word or a prefix/suffix, you can often deduce the spelling of the whole word. For example, if you hear “gastr-” (related to the stomach), you can likely spell words like “gastritis” or “gastroenteritis.”
  • Use Common Spelling Rules: Remember basic English spelling rules, such as “i before e except after c” (e.g., “believe,” “receive”) and rules for adding suffixes (e.g., doubling consonants before adding “-ing” or “-ed”).
  • Break Down Long Words: If you hear a long word, try to break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. This can make it easier to spell.
  • If Unsure, Make an Educated Guess: Even if you’re not completely certain, try to write down what you think is the most likely spelling. It’s better to attempt a spelling than to leave the answer blank.
  • Check for Pluralization: Listen carefully for plural endings (-s, -es). This is a common mistake in the OET Listening test.
  • Be Mindful of Capitalization: Remember to capitalize proper nouns (e.g., names of medications, diseases, or anatomical structures).


Let’s say you hear the word “ophthalmologist.” You might not know the exact spelling, but by:

  • Recognizing the “ophthalm-” root (related to the eye).
  • Knowing the suffix “-ologist” (meaning “one who studies”).

You can make a much more accurate guess than if you were just trying to spell it from the sound alone.


Improving your English spelling for the OET Listening test requires a combination of systematic study and effective test-taking strategies. By focusing on phonetic awareness, word structure, regular practice, and utilizing the guessing tips provided, you can significantly enhance your spelling accuracy and improve your overall performance on the test. Remember to focus on medical terminology as this will be heavily tested. Good luck!

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