- Aches/aching
- Agony
- Alignment/misalignment/misaligned
- Awkward
- Band-like pressure
- Barking/nasty cough
- Be in/get into a state
- Bitter/sour (not sore) taste
- Black specks in urine/stool
- Bloated
- Blocked up (headache) in flu and congestion
- Blowing
- Brain-fog
- Breakthrough pain
- Breast dimpling
- Bullet in the head
- Bump into something
- Burning
- Burp/burping
- Cannot grip things
- Chapped lips
- Chapped mouth
- Chest pain like a strained or pulled muscle
- Clammy
- Clogged (ear or nose) in flu and congestion
- Colicky (abdominal pain)
- Complained of breaking wind (=flatulence=passing flatus/gases)
- Concomitant = associated
- Coryzal symptoms
- Cramping/Grumpy/irritable
- Craving
- Crescendo-decrescendo
- Cripple/crippled
- Crusty mucus
- Deaf, blind, dumb/mute (muteness/mutism)
- Dental caries
- Diaphoresis
- Diseased vs deceased (died)
- Dizzy spells
- Dreadful
- Excruciating
- Feeling “little off or up & down”
- Feeling “off-colour”
- Feeling “rundown”
- Feeling weary (weary brain/weary eyes)/weariness
- Feeling woozy
- Feels Trembly (tremble/trembling)/shifty
- Fertility
- Flabby arms/abdomen
- Flickering or flashing lights (vision)
- Floppy baby
- Grit in eyes
- Growth spurt
- Habit-forming (addictive)
- Hacking cough/whooping cough
- Husky voice
- Icterus
- Impending sensation of death
- Impingement (Rotator cuff impingement)
- Intensified
- Intermenstrual/post-coital (bleeding)/coital/coitus
- Jarring injury/movements
- Jerking movements
- Jet lag (= very tired after travel)
- Knee bends/knee bent
- Knee has clicking/popping sound
- Knotted sensation in the abdomen
- Lax/tender abdomen
- Let off leash/off leash feeling
- Limp, I have a limp
- Lump/hump
- Lethargy
- Lightheadedness/lightheaded
- Lockjaw
- Loosened stool/loosened bowel movements
- Moaning/moaned
- Mood swings/Moody
- Muffled
- Nicked skin
- Niggling/Nagging
- Nose stuffiness/Stuffy nose
- Numbness or numb
- Oozing of blood/pus
- Overwhelmed/overwhelming
- Panicky
- Pass sand/gravel in stool/urine
- Pinch/pinched/trapped nerve
- Pinchable
- Pins, numbness and needles sensation
- Pitting (not bitting) oedema
- Pounding headache/heart/ear/pain/pressure
- Prickling
- Puckered skin/skin dimpling
- Pulling sensation (in neck)
- Rub/rubbing/rubbed eyes
- Rumbling sound in abdomen
- Scald/scalded
- Searing pain
- Seborrhoeic
- Seeing floaters
- Shivering
- Short-sighted
- Skin tag/boil/burrow/grain (hair grain)
- Slipped (slip, slipping)/twisted disc/bone
- Slurred/slurring speech
- Sneezing
- Soaked/soaking for periods
- Soothe
- Splitting (headache)
- Squinting
- Stabbing pain
- Sting/stung
- Stinging/burning pain
- Stomach feels full up/feel full
- Stomping gait/scissoring gait/festinant/festinating gait/freezing gait/waddling or Trendelenburg gait/antalgic gait
- Stooped gait/stooping walk/stooped posture
- Straining
- Striking
- Struvite stone
- Stumble
- Stutter/stuttering
- Sudden burst
- Suffocating/choke/strangle/asphyxiate/smother/stifle
- Symptoms subsided
- Tartar
- Tear/torn/trim
- Tearing/ripping sensation
- Terrible vs trouble/terrible pain
- Throw up (vomiting)
- Tingling/tingle
- Tiredness
- Toothache
- Twinging/twinges/twinge/tightness pain
- Unattainable
- Unbearable/ intolerable
- Venomous
- Vexing pain
- Worn out
- Worrisome