Commonly Used OET Writing Sentences
Introductory sentences

• I am writing to refer Ms Mihiraa who is recovering from pneumonia. She requires your assistance and care. She is being discharged today.

• I am writing to refer Ms Mihiraa who is recovering from a hip fracture. She is being transferred to your facility for rehabilitative care and support.

Ongoing care
• I am writing to refer Ms Mihiraa who is recovering from pneumonia. She requires ongoing care and support.

Urgent admission
• I am writing to refer Ms Mihiraa who requires urgent admission due to a severe left-sided headache.

Home visits
• I am writing to request home visits for Ms. Mihiraa for further assistance and support to improve his mobility. He is recovering from a fall.

Suspected cases
• I am writing to refer Ms Mihiraa who has signs and symptoms suggestive of anorexia nervosa. She requires further evaluation and management.

Known case
• I am writing to update the current health status of Ms Mihiraa who is recovering from a left total knee replacement. She is being discharged back into your care today.

• I am writing to inform you about Ms Mihiraa who is recovering from a left total knee replacement. She is being discharged today.

Body Paragraph
Admission/ Presented

• Ms Mihiraa was admitted three days ago for a left hip replacement…

• Ms Mihiraa was admitted on 12/03/2020 with complaints of…

• Ms Mihiraa initially presented with an injury on her left knee…

• Ms Mihiraa, on 12/03/2020, presented with…

Follow-up visit

• Ms Mihiraa re-presented with severe pain in the left knee.

• Ms Mihiraa was reviewed on

• During today’s follow-up visit, Ms Mihiraa…

• On Ms Mihiraa’s third visit …


• Her x-ray revealed a fracture of the forearm.

• She was ordered some blood tests.

• She was treated with chest physiotherapy…

• Her wound is healing well with regular dressing.

• Her pain was relieved by paracetamol

• She has commenced physiotherapy sessions…

• She was initially treated with IV antibiotics…


• Postoperatively, she made good progress.

• Currently, she is stable.

• She responded well to the IV antibiotics

• Postoperatively, Ms Mihiraa’s condition deteriorated

• Despite the intensive care, her progress has been poor.

• Although she can walk with a frame and feed herself, she still requires assistance.

• She can walk short distances without any assistance

• Following her discharge, her recovery was slow.

• Her prognosis after discharge was for a slow recovery.



• Her alcohol intake is higher than the recommended level.

• She consumes 3-5 units of beer every day.

• She was advised to reduce her alcohol consumption.


• She smokes in excess.

• She smokes 20 cigarettes a day

• She has a habit of smoking and consuming alcohol.

• She has been smoking for the past 15 years

• She has been smoking since 15 years of age


• Her weight is significantly higher than her ideal weight range.

• Her BMI is

• She is overweight.

Medical History

• Ms Mihiraa has type 2 diabetes, for which metformin is prescribed

• She has had hypertension since 2011.

• She has a history of diabetes and hypertension.

• Her hypertension is controlled by tablet bisoprolol

• She has a family history of…

• She had depression in the past.

• She was diagnosed with cancer at the age of

Recommendation Paragraph

• It would be appreciated if you could ensure Ms Mihiraa follows her exercise program and maintains a healthy diet.

• I would appreciate it if you could monitor Ms Mihiraa’s pain status and provide paracetamol as needed.

• Please assist Ms Mihiraa for…

• She has a review appointment by the neurologist in two weeks.

• Kindly encourage her to do…

• Please ensure…

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