Introduction to OET Reading Part C

The OET Reading Part C consists of two semi-academic texts, each approximately 800 words long. These texts are similar to what you might find in medical journals or magazines.

Here’s a breakdown of the structure:

  • Number of texts: 2
  • Length of each text: 800 words
  • Text type: Semi-academic articles or extracts, similar to medical journals or magazines
  • Number of questions per text: 8
  • Question type: Multiple choice with 4 options
Additional Details:
  • Topics: Each text covers different healthcare-related topics.
  • The questions will test your ability to understand the main ideas, supporting details, inferences, and attitudes expressed in the texts.
  • Time Limit: 45 minutes for both Part B and Part C.
Tips for success in OET Reading Part C:
  • Build your stamina: Reading two long texts in a short period of time can be tiring, so make sure you practice reading for long periods before the test.
  • Read carefully: Don’t skim the text; make sure you understand everything you read.
  • Pay attention to the details: The answers to the questions will often be based on specific details from the text.
  • Don’t be afraid to guess: If you’re stuck on a question, it’s better to guess than to leave it blank.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of success in OET Reading Part C.


Unlike many academic texts, which often follow a strict structure like Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD), the paragraphs in OET Reading Part C don’t necessarily adhere to a single, specific format.

While there’s no single structure to memorize, here are some common elements you might encounter:

  • Topic sentence: This sentence introduces the main point of the paragraph. It may not always be explicitly stated, but understanding it is crucial for comprehending the paragraph’s content.
  • Supporting details: These sentences provide evidence, examples, or explanations to elaborate on the main point.
  • Concluding sentence: This sentence may summarize the main point, introduce a new point, or connect the paragraph to the next one.
Common patterns:
  1. Introduction:
  • The first sentence often begins with the main idea of the paragraph. (Topic sentence)
  • It might provide context or background information on the topic.
  1. Body:
  • Provide Supporting details and evidence to elaborate on the main idea.
  • This might involve examples, research findings, or opinions from experts.
  • Transitions words or phrases may be used to connect ideas and show how they relate to each other.
  1. Conclusion Sentence:
  • The last sentence often summarizes the key points of the paragraph or provides a concluding thought.
  • It might also link to the next paragraph, introducing the next idea or the overall theme of the text.
  • Variety in structure: Paragraphs can present information in various ways, from introducing new ideas and providing background information to offering evidence, explaining cause-and-effect relationships, or expressing opinions.
  • Focus on supporting the main idea: Each paragraph, regardless of its structure, will contribute to the overall main idea of the text. This main idea could be a central argument, a key point, or a specific perspective on the topic.
  • Transition words: Authors often use transition words and phrases to connect ideas and create a logical flow within and between paragraphs.
  • Focus on meaning, not format: Instead of looking for a specific structure, your focus should be on understanding the main idea and supporting details of each paragraph.
  • Topic sentences: Some paragraphs might start with a sentence that introduces the main idea. However, this is not always the case.
  • Signal words: Look for words that indicate transitions, such as “however,” “moreover,” “in addition,” “finally,” or “in conclusion.” These can help you understand the relationship between ideas in the paragraph.
  • Repetition of key concepts: Pay attention to the repetition of keywords or phrases throughout the paragraph. This can help you identify the main idea and supporting details.
Here’s what you can do to improve your understanding:
  • Practice identifying the main idea and supporting details in different types of writing.
  • Pay attention to transition words and phrases as they can help you follow the flow of information.
  • Don’t get fixated on a specific structure. Instead, focus on understanding the meaning and connection between the sentences in each paragraph.

By actively engaging with the text and using these strategies, you can effectively navigate the paragraphs in OET Part C and better understand the content.

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